Thursday 19 January 2012

A Teenage Boy Should Never Cry.

Old enough to want to drink but not old enough to actually drink. Several drinks and shots later I balance myself to the one girl, who at this moment in my life broke my heart. I can tell you now it didn't take long to get over her. So I'm balancing, balancing, making my way through her friends, they're laughing but that comes to a sudden halt when they see me. There she stands and I say 'Can we have that talk now?'

Flashback to when I was sober.

I'm getting ready to go out with friends at a bar where everyone knows your name. Anyway, so I'm telling myself, 'Just tell her. The movies always do that. Just tell her how you feel.' This in mind when I see her first, I ask if I can talk to her later. She obliges and I carry on with my night, obviously petrified because I'm now downing shot after shot of alcohol. You already know where this is going.

Flashback a week, over instant messaging.

I'm chatting to a different girl, a girl I'd recently met. I tell her my whole plan. How I'm going to tell this other girl how I feel and basically try to win her back American Teen Film style.

Flash forward to seriously drunk stage.

We're out side, Me and the girl who broke my heart, it's summer because I'm wearing an open shirt, there is a breeze too but it's warm. It's nice. So we stand there and I'm slurring random shit and probably spit into this girls face. She says she doesn't understand what I'm trying to say. So I simply say 'I still like you. I'm finding it hard to get through this. I thought I could handle this. I don't just want to stay friends. I want more.' Start the tears! So I begin crying. 'I think I love you *****.' With disgust on her face she walks away from me. This is not a sad moment for me, I do not need pets on the head and cuddles, I'd honestly be worst if someone did this to me. So I'm left crying. Sobbing into my long locks. All alone.

At this point I'd like to add the sentence 'I think I love you.' should never ever be used, for anything!

From the corner bursts the girl I'd been talking to online. She holds her arms out for a hug. I take the hug and cry into her bosom. It got better pretty quickly. She asks what happened. So we go and sit down. I suddenly need a pee, so I'm stood against a building getting it wet. Toilet time over with I go and sit next to this girl. I tell her the whole incident. I've stopped crying at this point. I tell her how I burst out crying etc. So I'm looking at this pretty girl and I simply say 'Kiss me.' She replies 'What?' we realise it's not like the movies at this point. So I repeat 'Just kiss me.' We look at each other and simply start making out. To our realisation some of our friends have come to find us and found us. Told you it wouldn't take long to get over her.

That night I got punched and kicked in the head off a stranger, so karma got me back ladies.

This is what I looked like after I was punched and kicked. The long hair made me look handsome ok!

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